Neo-Nazi flags (Schwarz-Weiß-Rot)

The schwarz-weiß-rot (black-white-red) German imperial flag was adopted by the North German Confederation in 1867, as a combination of the black-white of Prussia and the red-white of the Hanseatic League and/or of Brandenburg. In 1871 it was adopted as merchant flag for the German Empire, and in 1892 promoted to national flag.

The symbols of Imperial Germany became symbols of conservative protest and were often used by nationalist organisations (e.g. Stahlhelm, Bund der Frontsoldaten). This included the Reichskriegflagge (war flag of the Reich), which has been revived in the present for similar use. Many right-wing political parties during the Weimar period — such as the DNVP and the Nazi Party — used the imperial colours, a practice that has continued today with the NPD.

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