
Aggregate-4 "A-4" a.k.a. Vergeltungswaffe-2 (German for Vengeance weapon) "V-2" was the first single stage ballistic missile. The V-2 rocket was developed by a research program of Nazi Germany's army and entered service in 1944. The V-2 was 14m (46 ft) and had a range of 322 km (200 mi), a top altitude of 88.5 km (55 miles), a maximum speed of 1.6 km/s (3,580 mph), and a payload of 977 kg (2150 lb).
Over 3,000 V-2s were launched as military rockets by the German Wehrmacht mostly against Antwerp and London during World War II, but the V-2 didn't serve only military purposes it was also the first man-made object launched into space, the progenitor of all modern rockets and a direct predecessor of the Saturn V moon rocket.

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